Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
The first month went so fast
What a hectic week I have for this week! 7 homework due before Friday including 4 writings, 2 accountings, 1 probability, and 22 corporation events. Plus we are having 7 core courses lectures at the same time within 12 weeks. Each course has one or two lectures each week and homework. It is the first time I make the best use of Outlook calendar and try to fill up every space each day from morning 8:15AM to midnight. Of cause, I do not mean that we do not have any personal free time. But if you want to get the best out of each day and from what the school is providing, if you want to find a good internship job and full time job, then you make yourself busy and try to show up at each valuable event.
Since I am lack of sleep, I often woke up 15 minutes before the class, and drive to school although it is only 15 minutes walk and 3 minutes drive. In the past month, I went to bed after 1AM. Sometimes, 3 to 4 AM if I cannot finish the homework. Many classmates look so tired this week. Me, worse case with 32 week pregnant. I feel so bad for my boy but I cannot help. The only wish I have now is that I can have one day sleep without worrying homework. Maybe I will need wait until the winter break.
Even I am so tired, I still went to almost all banking presentations at lunch and evening time. I also enrolled the communication workshop, and went to one-to-one writing and oral English coaching sections whenever my calendar showed some space. I think it is the most valuable education I can get from Yale SOM. It is free and coached by a few professional language experts. The communication skills and language skills are my weakness. I got back my 50 pages analysis report about my English skills. I am so surprised that the report provides me so many details about each component of my language. I feel lumbersome in my career if I cannot improve these skills. I also tried to go to the club events, leadership speeches, and case interview workshop. Sometimes, I felt so hard to keep my eyes open during the meeting, but I thought as long as I sit there and hear something, I will learn something new. I am so eager to learn more new things in business and finance industry from my two-year MBA. From the past month, I am opened to so many new things, concepts, and new opportunities, which excited me. I cannot imagine what the other school like. But I feel that I chose the right school for my MBA.
Tomorrow, the director of Yale SOM will give a baby shower for me and the other student at her house. The faculties and schools are so helpful and support for my pregnancy. I am trying my best. I feel that the efficiency is so important now. As I am approaching the late pregnancy period, I need priority my tasks and try to get more sleep.
Oh, time goes fast. 2AM already. I need go to bed.
Tommorrow is the other busy day!
Posted by
10:00 PM
Saturday, August 25, 2007
A day on the high heel shoe at New York
Posted by
7:32 PM
Friday, August 17, 2007
My unborn boy's first MBA practice
Yesterday was the first day for the MBA orientation. After the Dean of Yale SOM's speech, we were divided into three cohorts: Silver, Blue and Green and escorted in the different rooms to listen to the famous speech of "I had a dream" by Dr. Martin Luther King. I was inspired and touched by Dr. King's speech, and I felt that my boy was also actively responded to the louder applause from the speaker and he frequently kicked inside me. This was the first speech for my unborn boy. I guess he was touched by the speech also. Wow, I felt that I took advantage of the Yale by paying one expensive tuition for two persons-my boy and I.
The afternoon section was long and tired. Yale SOM is partnering with Strozzi Institute to introduce the martial art and leadership practices and concepts. 4 hours martial art practices were not easy and not fun for many others, special for me, a 6-month pregnant student. Frequently sat down and stood up, practiced with a wooden stick for fighting and no break at all. I was exhausted at the end of the day. But I was glad that I did everything same with the others and I made to the end of the day. (I should mention that the second day today, I felt that all these martial art practices start to make sense and I do enjoy more).
We had a wonderful picnic at the Lighthouse Point Park, where there is a beautiful beach and a light house. Many students brought their families and kids. I have had a fun there with my new classmates. It is so difficult to remember the names and countries for the classmates on the first day.
This was the first day of my MBA journey and I want to write it down for my memory.
Posted by
8:35 PM
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Finally settle down at Yale
It has been a while that I didn't write any new post. I have been busy with the final week work transferring, home cleaning, moving packing, and all the other leaving arrangements. It was a release to get off work. But I immediately entered a new phase of the busy life. I didn't plan to sell the house at this bad housing time, but I didn't plan to move back to my old house in the future also. I packed all of my stuff and baby stuff for a permanent leave. It was a lot of work to do these moving arrangements. Finally I moved last Friday and got my apartment ready at Yale today. I was exhausted last night by long hours driving and unpacking. I am 6 month pregnancy now and my big belly pretty much shows off. I cannot hide it any more with any fancy clothing. I am stressed but excited to see how this Mom MBA goes.
I have a meeting with the director of SOM academic department tomorrow. I think I will need show my confidence that I can handle the school and pregnancy at Yale. I also need to have some confirmation support from the school. I cannot do it alone. At least, I might miss a few classes or defer some final exams. But I do not want to discuss this too much now since no one can estimate what will happen. I just want to let the school knows that I am ready for school, I am aware of the situation, and I will try my best.
Tomorrow is the other day and a new day!
Posted by
8:13 PM
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Finally fired my boss! -:) Office politics
What I mean is that I finally quit my job for my school. The feeling is good and it seems that I fire my boss with release. 5 years! I have been worked for this group for 5 years, which is my first job in America. If not because the damn green card sponsorship, I won't tolerant the unfairness, crazy long hours with no overpay, and extremely entry level salary for that long. As many people know it is harder and harder to get US residence these days. It might be easier to come than to stay. Even I am the only women engineer among 8-10 hardheaded engineering men in the group, nobody even cares that I have been pregnant for 5 months. They kept pushing me to my edge with crazy busy work each week, and no any appreciation.
When I gave the resign letter to my boss yesterday, and gave the reasons that I want to take break for my pregnancy, he was surprised " Oh, it is already 5 months! I don't know that long already. Are you sure you quit is for pregnancy not for xxx?" xxx means unfair treatment I have had these months. He never thought I will leave with pregnancy because he thought I need money for my school next year (he thought I defer one year). Like many others say, do not damage the relationship and burn the bridge. I smiled and said: "No no, I do not blame anyone. I think it has been a great experience to work with you for 5 years. I just think it is time for me to take a break." He felt a little guilty and said: " You know, I like you a lot, just sometimes, for my position, I have to do something I do not want to." We all know what that means. I said (smiled all the time) " it is fine. I understand. " Then I left his office. At that moment, I felt so released.
For women in engineering world, a men's world, I can say that it is tough to play office politics and it is hard to play well, specially if you do not have a good English skill in US. I know I was a bad game player for office politics. I was negative and wanted to hide from it. I thought as long as I have good working skills and do my job well, it would be fine. It turned out that it was not true! I learned a lesson from this job.
I never want to be a superwoman, and I just want some respect and fairness. At this exit point, I realize that only good technique won't save you from complicated office politics, and it cannot guarantee your promotion and your career path. You really need involve, observe, and also play well to stand for yourself. After all, I still value this 5 year experience as a positive one although I experienced a lot of unhappiness and unfairness. Stop complaining and start to learn! This is what I tell myself now. B-School is also a small society, and everyone needs play well for relationships. It is not too late to learn how to play well.
I find a good article from online yesterday
"Office politics is just like the lottery. Dreaming about winning doesn't get you anywhere - there's no payoff if you don't buy a ticket. You have to play if you want to win. -- Jamie Fabian "
Posted by
8:32 AM
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Do you have low self-esteem sometimes?
I never thought about this question myself. But when the school is coming, and I am entering the third trimester of pregnancy, I felt nervous all the time. From time to time, I dreamed that I failed the class or I felt lost in the school. I do know why I suddenly become so worried. My husband told me that the reason I felt nervous all the time is because I have low self-esteem sometimes. I agree with it although I am not clearly aware of this. I tried to analyze this emotion by searching some psych tips from online.
Today, I search the web using key word of self-esteem. I found that even some successful people like businessmen, lawyers and doctors have low self-esteem and suffer depression. Do you find yourself sometimes suffering from low self-esteem also?
- Characteristics of Genuinely Low Self Esteem (from online)
1. Social withdrawal
2. Anxiety and emotional turmoil
3. Lack of social skills and self confidence. Depression and/or bouts of sadness
4. Less social conformity
5. Eating disorders
6. Inability to accept compliments
7. An Inability to see yourself 'squarely' - to be fair to yourself
8. Accentuating the negative
9. Exaggerated concern over what they imagine other people think
10. Self neglect
11. Treating yourself badly but NOT other people
12. Worrying whether you have treated others badly
13. Reluctance to take on challenges
14. Reluctance to trust your own opinion
15. Expect little out of life for yourself
I know someone might think I am crazy and worried too much. Some people think it will be easier than I thought and I should feel relaxed. This really depends on a person's personality. Maybe because I want to be a good mother badly and at the same time I also want to do my best in school or at least survive from the hectic B-School first term's events and courses. Since I realize this emotion is harmful to my way to the school and to my current life, I feel that I need boost my self-esteem and raise my confidence before I start my B-school Journey.
Here is I found out from online: 7 ways to boost you self-esteem quickly:
- Think back to when you did something new for the first time.
- Do something you have been putting off.
- Do something you are good at.
- Stop thinking about yourself!
- Get seriously relaxed.
- Remember all the things you have achieved.
- Remember that you could be wrong!
Happy to everyone! Thanks for all the encouragements.
Posted by
1:31 PM
Thursday, June 21, 2007
MBA Survival Pre-kit
I am trying to prepare my survival kit. For example, doing things earlier than later. I am trying to fill all the forms required before enrollment and do other things such as setting up email, sending out physical exam forms, initializing my background check, checking what did the previous class do during their time at school, etc. Now it seems everything is ready except the background verification completion. I felt much relaxed now.
I spent sometime to browse the previous classmates' blogs. Thanks God, some of them wrote so details for the first semester at Yale SOM starting from the first day to the final exam, and through out two years of MBA. I obtained so much useful information and guidance from these blogs. I figure out that SOM has similar summer assignment for each class :
Sam Walton’s autobiography Made in America; (ii) Roger Lowenstein’s biography of Warren Buffett, Buffett; (iii) Gandhi’s autobiography An Autobiography; The Story of My Experiments with Truth.
I went to the township library and found all three of them. Wow, I never in my life read an English story book, although I like reading and read a lot in Chinese. Still English is not my official language and I am still not used to read in English although I always try. But this time, I got to try harder, force my mind to read English for fun, not only for academic. I found a way to finish assignment: I also borrowed sound records for these books, so that I can listen to the tapes while I drive to work each day. That works! Now I am listening Warren Buffett's way when I am driving, and feel interesting. At least, it can train my listening English. I am not sure I can finish three books in summer. Each night, when I get home, I told myself, ok, let me start to read, but then I quickly found excuses to shift the target to TV friends or Cooking Book. Oh..maybe I will start to read this weekend then.
I have bought basic accounting book for the class. I thought I can pre- study for it. Who knows how many pages I will read before school. I just want to relax after work each day. Relax, ya, right, I need time to relax before I go to school.
Today, I received an email to inform me that my apartment in Yale will be ready in July 15th. I figure I will waste one month rent since I won't be able to move up after August 3rd, my scheduled last day of work. I cannot help since all the other 2 bed room apartments on campus starting from August are gone by the time I visited. I have to take this one. It is good to have place whenever I can move in August.
There is one thing I am wondering: what did other classmates wear during their orientation and visit to New York Stock Exchange floor, business suit or casual clothes? After I spent some nice money to two business suits for the school, I found I was pregnant. And my new suits are size 2, the smallest size they can make, which definitely cannot suit me during my three and forth trimester of pregnancy. I figure that I need get a pregnant special business suit. At least, I still want to be professional and I wish I can be treated as usual in a professional way in school other than a pregnant woman. I do not want my study group consider me as a burden also. Maybe this weekend, I need go to shop for the suits.
2 more month to school starts, 4 weeks to give resign notice, 6 weeks to work.
Oh, I am excited to know what I am carrying now, a baby boy or a baby girl. I will know this on July 2nd if I am lucky during my 20 weeks ultrasound check up. I already have a cute boy, and I prefer a girl this time.
Posted by
1:19 PM
Thursday, June 14, 2007
I am a little scared before the B school Starts
A lot of things to do before enrollment in Yale. Processing the loan with the Financial officers, taking physical exam and filling the health form, finding the apartment and signing the lease, Processing the background verification, and packing the moving box, etc. I am exhausted each day after work, and still have to catch up those things. Too much stress recently, I didn't gain enough weight I should by now. I have been pregnant for 17 weeks, normally gaining 5-10 lbs, but I gain nothing. I didn't have much appetite due to the stress. I consider to quit the job earlier to have a break myself.
I have bought the Basic Accounting book and Eco book. I thought I can start to read early to prepare myself. So far, I only read a few pages.
I found a SOM's alumnus's blog, which is so detail about the life in Yale since the application process to the graduation. I read it every day from his application process. Today, I read to the October 2005, the month of his first midterm in Yale. I got scared by his post. Here is some quote from
---First week of school :"My classmates and I are inundated with work. Three SEM assignments and two Accounting assignments are due this week. At the beginning of next week our first Finance, Econ, and Stats assignments come due - and they're pretty substantial. The reading, review sessions, study group meetings (we've already met twice and will meet two more times before the week is up), and career events have taken up 16 hours of every day since Sunday. And it shows no signs of letting up."
---For midterm: "It's a tremendous relief to be done with midterms/finals. During that week, I got 1 hour of sleep on Sunday and Monday nights; and three hours on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. A little cold at the beginning of week turned into a terrible one by the end of it. With so little sleep and so much caffeine, my body didn't stand a chance in fighting off the illness. I managed to sleep a lot over the weekend though and am now as good as new."
"A classmate of mine, for instance, told a story about how she walked home one day crying hysterically. "
I read and I felt almost freeking out. Oh MY GOD! A single man in his 20s or early 30s even felt tough for the first term. How can I pass it with late pregnancy and labor deliver in the middle. I do not want to be one of three to five who fails each year. And I definitely want to survive. I mean I never have problem in academic before, but I can stay late, no sleep and work hard. But this time, I cannot say "oh, I will work hard", because I have a new baby need rest. I cannot stay overnight even I can. I do not want my new born has any problem. The maximum I need get 5-6 hours sleep each day I wish. I wish professor and school can have more flexible arrangement for a pregnant student. I do not know until I really go there. But I do feel headache when I read those. I didn't even read to November and Final in December yet. Anyway, I have no choice. I have arrange to go, then I will need face it and try my best..that is all I can say now.
God bless me, my study and my new baby!
Posted by
2:17 PM
Monday, June 04, 2007
I am going for MBA with pregnancy
It has been a long time that I didn't have time to come to my blogger. I like to clear a few things before I start a new page. A few months ago, I did decide not to go to interview for Chicago. But at the last minute, my best friend criticized me and pushed me to at least just give it a try. I did go to interview for Chicago and met a good friend there. Of cause, I didn't get accepted. I appreciated the trip to the University of Chicago, where I did see a modern school of MBA and a lot of difference than other schools I have visited.
What has happened during these months since my last post? You cannot believe me. I got pregnant accidentally just when I decided to go to Yale MBA and dropped the CMU $40,000 Scholarship. I already told my boss I will leave this year. I was not ready for this sudden pregnancy. What should I do? Should I go for it or defer one year? I contacted school and friends, talked to existing YALE SOM students, posted on BusinessWeek for suggestion. My family were strongly against me to go this year as well as all the others except my best friend, the one who persuaded me to interview at University of Chicago. I did request the deferring, and it was approved. But then my best friend accused me again. We are similar type. At the end, she successfully persuaded me to go for this year with pregnancy due to my worse office situation. I did feel that I rather try harder to get through the roughest first term than endure office suffering. Now here I am, one of the class of 2009 at Yale SOM. I am not sure whether I can make it, but I have to make it, and no other choice.
I want to thanks all the people whoever give me suggestions and help through online. I know some students did give birth before the school start, or have baby at the second year. But I didn't hear any case that a student had baby in the middle of the first term, the most intensive term during full time MBA among top 20 schools. Maybe there is someone there I do not know. But I tell myself that you have to make it work. And here we go.
I have started the enrollment process a few weeks ago. Luckily my parents will come to help me in October before my due day. My husband will not be able to move up with me due to his work, but it is fine. I have locked a two bedroom apartment in Yale Campus and started to pack my things and baby stuff. I think I will still work until the week before the school starts. I am facing a huge financial debt for this MBA, but I wish it is worth for my future. I keep pray God to bless me and my new baby. I also pray for all the new students who will enroll this year, and for the one who will try next year.
God bless us.
Posted by
2:15 PM
Friday, February 09, 2007
A decision of Withdrawal from Kellogg and Chicago
After a long talk and thinking, I decided to cancel the trip to Chicago for on-campus interview and visiting Kellogg for my waitlist. The reason is simple. I do not want to take any risk to break my family due to long distance issue. At the same time of pursing my own dream, I will also need consider the family members and compromise at certain level. Without family's support, I cannot be here today.
By the way, top school is just an entrance for a new future. Future still depends on individual's efforts. I will have no regret to withdraw my possible chance from Kellogg and Chicago GSB if I can keep family a complete peace. For me, Yale might be good enough to lead me to that door for my situation (3.5 hours driving is not too bad). Still a lot of hard work is behind, but I will be happy to go there and begin my MBA journey if I do not hear anything from MIT and Wharton.
After cancel the trip, I felt much released. Now I know less choices are better.
Posted by
1:36 PM
Thursday, February 08, 2007
A confusion for old age with multiple choices
Two months ago, I was anxious about not hearing any admission until Yale and CMU coming on the same day of 12/20/2006. After happiness for a few weeks, I fell into a confusion of school choices. After drop NYU's acceptance, still hold on Kellogg waitlist, Wharton EMBA's decision, and Chicago R2 invitation, the school choice becomes a hot topic in my house, which even caused argument between me and my family.
Newton said "I can predict science, but I cannot predict human's crazy", I just read this sentence today on a stock article and like to use here. I can predict the acceptance of schools, but I cannot predict different emotion from my family, my husband, my in-laws and my parents and siblings. They all have different ideas about where I should go. Those conflicts are spouse's responsibility, long distance relationship, child care issue, Asian family's proud and my career vision. I cannot ignore any of them and be myself. After you are married, you are not yourself anymore. Whenever you make decision, you need think about others. I should have studied MBA years ago than now. This is an issue for old age MBA candidates. Single and young fellows won't understand what I am talking about here.
Although I still arrange a trip to Chicago on 2/22 to visit Chicago for interview and Kellogg for possible waitlist, in my heart, I know I might cannot go there even I got admission since it is far from East. But I cannot control my desire. Go for it first and make decision at the end. Although Wharton EMBA didn't make decision until April, in my heart, I wish it does not give to me because I would not find excuse to go to other distant schools for full time MBA. It is much easier to change career with full time MBA. But Wharton is only 20 minutes away from home. My husband does not want me to go anywhere if Wharton give me EMBA admission. He said I will be selfish if I go to other school because we have to send our 2 years son back China again. He will have to take care of two houses and rentals himself. The most important, he thinks long distance is a danger for a family. If I choose Wharton, then I will have to stay in the same company same group with pain, but my son can stay in US with us and I will still have income for family. My parents want me to go to Yale, their reason is so simple, because Yale is well known in Asian. I cannot ignore their ideas too because I love them also and want to make them happy.
It is a confusion for me now untill I can make the final decision. For now, I do not want to think about how to solve this issue.
So be prepared if you are over 30s with family.
Posted by
1:20 PM
Damaged Office situation before MBA
I would suggest anyone who apply MBA not to tell your boss if you can. I cannot control the damage now in the office for my daily work since everyone in my group knows that I am leaving soon for MBA. Since we are consulting company, everyone's performance+bonus is evaluated by the percentage of billable work. I do not care about the raise anymore and just want to keep the regular daily work till I enroll the school. But my boss and other colleague begin to give me less work since they want to fill their timesheet with high percentage work. Initially, I felt OK because I can have more time to surf internet. But when I saw my billable hours decreasing from 80% to nearly 0% for some week, I have to start to worry how the company will look at me as they review each employee each week. Gosh, I have the other half year to stay and I do not want to be fired, which I thought it might not happen at all. But still, I do not feel relax at all each day.
The other situation in the office is when I do not have more work, the colleague start to talk to me with bad attitude because they thought I am not working hard, which is true, but it is out of my control. I cannot control this damage now. When we argued, my boss spoke for the other colleague and did not respect my feeling at all. Why, because no matter what, he only cares more about his long term employee than me. My feeling is hurt and I have to keep low and silent. I just want to get out this work asap and I do not want Wharton EMBA gave me admission at all. Because if they gave me EMBA, my husband will want me to go to Wharton instead of Yale or somewhere else due to the distance. Then I have to stuck with the same situation for the other two years. What a nightmare! It is difficult to find a the other full time job when you have to take one day off for EMBA, especially I am a career changer.
I cried one night because I was unfairly treated in the office that day.
If you can hold your secret, then hold it unless you do not worry about job at all!
Posted by
11:37 AM
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Waitlist by Kellog and Chicago submitted
I didn't expected to be waitlist from Kellogg. I thought I was dinged because I did not even got invitation from Wharton and Columbia. Sometimes, I just wish all the applications were denied, so I can easily choose one between Yale and CMU. But the top dream isn't dead. I cannot help myself to finish Chicago GSB application for Round 2 and I cannot refuse to click the submit button. I still cannot get over with the top 5 dream or M7 dream. I know it is so vain. But I just cannot help myself. My dream will only die when I see the refusals from all of them.
Before, I even want to apply for Stanford for Round 2. Then after carefully thinking, I dropped it. It is far in the west coast and it is more for young applicants..I do not want to suitcide and donate the other dollars. So I told myself, Chicago, only. Although I already assume it is a dead result, but go ahead and prepare for career from now. Finally clicking submit button this morning, I felt released. I do not need write any essay at all. It is enough. I have applied so many schools in round 1 and almost every schools of M7 except Standford. Game is done. Next thing is just waiting and preparing for entering the class and future career.
I am not sure whether I will pursue to off list from Kellogg. But I will still try. I recently found interest in IM career, but it is so impossible for me, no experience and old age. With family, the work with more than 55 hours/week is too much. But I cannot help to think about it. I have to start to prepare CFA level 1 first and see how the schools decisions come out. Then I will decide where to go. The mostly I need prepare to know what I am going to do after MBA. I think this is the most important thing for me now.
Posted by
10:32 AM