Cut my long hair for career
I finally cut my many years' long hair for my summer intern, because that makes me look more professional and short hair is low maintenance. People told me that the length of the hair should be opposite to the age. Maybe that is not true. But I do feel that the short hair is very convenient when you have kids and need wake up early on the run. Here is my new look with short hair. My son is with me.
I did some career suits shopping last weekend. For my new career, I really cannot wear casual fashion shirts to work. Looking at my closet, I have nothing to wear for my summer except for one black interview suit. "Dress for success" is true. At least, I should follow the rule.
I didn't get any rest between my finals and summer intern. I wanted to quit the CFA exam next weekend, since I only have one week to go over everything. My mom said "You should at least try because you paid so much fee for it." She is still treating me as a little high school girl!To avoid her long face, I just had to go to school to study in the past week.
Luckily, I found that many courses I took in the last year are very helpful for CFA level 1, but so many materials are still hard to remember within a week. From the day after tomorrow, I will need to commute 3 hours a day to work at Stamford from New Haven. I won't have too much time for CFA. Hopefully this weekend, I can get some study done, maybe a mock exam. I feel that I have 50% chance to pass. If I do pass, the award should go to my mother. If not, it is fine at least I have tried like my mom said.

The other photo is my son with my classmate who will work for BCG. These photos were taken during this year's graduation commencement last week. Time is fast. Can you imagine that we will graduate next year this time? At least, we have something to look forward to. Keep up your good work. You will be there with me, and my two sons!