Monday, June 04, 2007

I am going for MBA with pregnancy

It has been a long time that I didn't have time to come to my blogger. I like to clear a few things before I start a new page. A few months ago, I did decide not to go to interview for Chicago. But at the last minute, my best friend criticized me and pushed me to at least just give it a try. I did go to interview for Chicago and met a good friend there. Of cause, I didn't get accepted. I appreciated the trip to the University of Chicago, where I did see a modern school of MBA and a lot of difference than other schools I have visited.

What has happened during these months since my last post? You cannot believe me. I got pregnant accidentally just when I decided to go to Yale MBA and dropped the CMU $40,000 Scholarship. I already told my boss I will leave this year. I was not ready for this sudden pregnancy. What should I do? Should I go for it or defer one year? I contacted school and friends, talked to existing YALE SOM students, posted on BusinessWeek for suggestion. My family were strongly against me to go this year as well as all the others except my best friend, the one who persuaded me to interview at University of Chicago. I did request the deferring, and it was approved. But then my best friend accused me again. We are similar type. At the end, she successfully persuaded me to go for this year with pregnancy due to my worse office situation. I did feel that I rather try harder to get through the roughest first term than endure office suffering. Now here I am, one of the class of 2009 at Yale SOM. I am not sure whether I can make it, but I have to make it, and no other choice.

I want to thanks all the people whoever give me suggestions and help through online. I know some students did give birth before the school start, or have baby at the second year. But I didn't hear any case that a student had baby in the middle of the first term, the most intensive term during full time MBA among top 20 schools. Maybe there is someone there I do not know. But I tell myself that you have to make it work. And here we go.

I have started the enrollment process a few weeks ago. Luckily my parents will come to help me in October before my due day. My husband will not be able to move up with me due to his work, but it is fine. I have locked a two bedroom apartment in Yale Campus and started to pack my things and baby stuff. I think I will still work until the week before the school starts. I am facing a huge financial debt for this MBA, but I wish it is worth for my future. I keep pray God to bless me and my new baby. I also pray for all the new students who will enroll this year, and for the one who will try next year.

God bless us.


kpmg said...

all the best
and congratulations

Bancaku said...

Don't worry you'll make it.You will always look back and be happy that you attended bschool. Thank goodness you have a great friend!Just take one day at a time.

Ło-ren-so! said...

jesus that's gonna be tough... best of luck! :)

the being said...

hey there! congratulations and all the best!
I know that starting school when pregnant should be tougher, but it is actually not very un-common! and if u ask me, quite a smart thing to do. school is always more flexible than work, and having a baby during the 2 yrs is probably easier than after...

Did u read this article about Mommy's MBA? do check it out.

Nat4mba said...

Congratulations!!! Second to a shared love, baby is probably the best ever thing that can happen to a person, and circumstances do not matter... I think Sudha is right - giving birth to a baby during studies cannot be tougher than taking a maternity leave at work. At school, you will definitely have more flexibility. Besides, I don't know about situation at your current location, but USA is believed to be a right place in terms of medical services for maternity.
I came across your post, actually, because I was thinking about becoming a mother in next two years upon my admission in a business school... I believe that it is not a rare situation indeed! :)
All the best!

DreamingLady said...

I am surprised that I have so many wishes in one night. Thanks for all. I will try my best.

RickGMAT said...

I read your post and I must say its very inspiring as I'm also in a job\school transition period. I don't know if I should give up my employment (with my marriage coming up) and study for the GMAT exam or stay at my current work place and study for the GMAT exam after hours (which I've been doing for the past month). My parents are telling me to resign from employment and study for the GMAT so I can get into an MBA school of my choice. However I don't want to let my job go because of my impending marriage in a few months.

jaqulin said...

That is so sweet of you to provide details about the information on desired select baby gender. I was trying to get to know about this more because one of my friends had suggested me to follow it. So I am trying to figure it out if its worth it or not.